Nepal Pharmacy Council 22nd Name Registration Exam Application Form Notice
Nepal Pharmacy Council notice regarding the application form for the 22nd Name Registration Examination. Application Form for the 22nd Name Registration Examination of Nepal Pharmacy Council (Pharmacist and Pharmacy Assistant) has been opened on this date 2079/12/21 from 2080/1/20, 10:00 AM to 12:00 pm, for all related information there is a request.
- The application form can be filled by going to the website of Council by clicking on the Name Registration Form or by going to the following link. To complete the form sign up and register.
- All the documents (fee, certificate of citizenship, complete certificate of educational qualification from entry to date) should be attested by the notary public as requested in the application form.
- In case of non-verification of any documents, such forms will be automatically canceled
- If any insensitive, incorrect documents and outsourced application form is filled while filling the application form for the name registration examination, such application will be automatically rejected and legal process will be taken forward.
Account Number: 17301017500573 Nabil Bank
Account Holder Name: Nepal Pharmacy Council
Exam Fee: 3000/
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