Nepal Nursing Council License Exam Model Questions
Nepal Nursing Council License Exam Model Questions for Nursing Students prepared by Pharma Info Nepal.
1. Which of the following is subjective date?
a. I have a headache
b. Your temperature is 39 degree centigrade
c. Your BP is 140/90 mm hg
d. Your pulse is 72/min
2. 1 pint of blood is equal to
a. 480ml
b. 450 ml
c. 350ml
d. 600ml
3.What action should be carried out in a drowing victim ?
a. Keep open airway
b. Check BP and Motion
c. Make sure the circulating function
d. All of the above
4. Scald is a burn caused by
a. Dry Heat
b. Radiation
c. Moist Heat
d. Friction
5. Before doing bed bath to a forbidden patient , you will
a. Encourage him to empty bowel
b. Encourage him to empty bladder
c. Encourage him to empty his bladder and bowel both
d. Encourage to remain NPO for 2 hours
6. In which condition Hemoglobin is low ?
a. Peptic ulcer
b. BPH
c. Mitral valve regurgitation
d. Atherosclerosis
7. In a disease transmission cycle , human being are
a. Infectious agent
b. Source
c. mode of transmission
d. portal of exit
8. Benedict’s test is used to find out
a. Sugar in urine
b. Pus in urine
c. Blood in urine
d. Albumin in urine
9. which positon is best for irrigating in colostomy ?
a. Sitting on toilet
b. Standing at the sink
c. Lying on the back
d. Lying on the bed
10. Relative bradycardia is seen in
b. Typhoid
c. Measles
d. Diphtheria
11. The color coding in triage is
a. Red: yellow green black
b. Yellow, red , green , black
c. Black, red , yellow , green
d. Green , black , yellow , red
12. The pt is voiding Nitrogenous urine it is called
a. Proetinuria
b. Ketonuria
c. Azotemia
d. Haematuria
13. Which vitamins aids for the digestion of calcium ?
a. Vit A
b. Vit B12
c. Vit D
d. Vit C
14. The first menstruation is
a. Menarche
b. Thellarche
c. Pubarche
d. Adrenarche
15. Thymus gland is located at
a. Retroperitoneal organ
b. Superior mediastinum
c. Inferior mediastinum
d. Brain
16.Treatment of measles associated with diarrhea should include except
a. Administration of prophylactic dose of vitamin A
b. Treatment of dehydration & dysentery if required
c. Adequate feeding
d. Compulsory antibiotics & anti-amoebic
17. Excessive oxygen infant leads to
a. Retinal detachment
b. Retinopathy of prematurity
c. Retinoblastoma
d. Optic nerve
18. A client using Haloperidol is being discharged from hospital what health education should be given
a. Avoid Driving
b. Avoid alcohol and cheese
c. Avoid use of aspirin
d. Don’t walk alone
19. After bronchoscope , what should be seen in patient before giving fluid ?
a. Palmar Reflex
b. Speech
c. Vomiting
d. Gas reflex
20. The perception of active fetal movements by the pregnant women for the first time is known as
a. Braxton is known as
b. Osiander’s sign
c. Quickening
d. Chadwick’s sign
21. At the end of the labor . The weight of the uterus is
a. 600gm
b. 700gm
c. 800gm
d. 900gm
22. In context of Nepal, AIDS comes under ?
a. Pandemic
b. Epidemic
c. Endemic
d. Sporadic
21. Harmfull effect of drug in fetus is referred is :
a. Carcinogenic
b. Teratogenic
c. Lithogenic
d. Oncogenic
22. Agent that kills the microorganism on an inanimate surface is ?
a. Disinfectant
b. Antiseptic
c. Chemicals
d. Spirit
23. Which is not include in the definition of health as per WHO definition ?
a. Social
b. Physical
c. Sexual
d. Mental
24. Which of the following is not a live vaccine ?
a. BCG
b. Measles
c. Oral Polio
d. Salk Vaccine
25. Which is not seen in bedsore?
a. Embolism
b. Wound infection
c. Pulmonary Embolism
d. Meningitis
26. Complication seen during breech delivery.
a. Shoulder dystocia
b. Clavicle fracture
c. CPD
d. Cord Prolapsed
27. Hepatitis A is caused due to
a. Blood Product Transfusion
b. Sexual contact
c. Infected water and food
d. Through contaminated needles
28. What is the safest position for women in labor when the nurse notes a prolapsed cord?
a. Prone
b. Fowler’s
c. Lithotomy
d. Tendelenberg
29. What comes after, inspection while examination abdomen?
a. Palpation
b. Percussion
c. Auscultation
d. Supervision
30. At 6 weeks gestation a client is diagnosed with gonorrhea . What medication does a nurse expect the health care provider to prescribe?
a. Ceftriaxone (Rocephin)
b. Levofloxacin (Levaquin)
c. Sulfloxacin (Levaquin)
d. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim)
31. A nurse in the health clinic is counseling a college student who has recently diagnosed with asthma. On what aspect of care should the nurse focus?
a. Teaching how to make a room allergy free
b. Referring to a support group for individuals with asthma
c. Arranging with the college to ensure a speedy return to classes
d. Evaluating whether the necessary lifestyle changes are understood
32. A two year old child is admitted for surgery in surgical ward. On his OT day, he hesitates to get up from bed and cries and pulls his hospital gown while clutching a teddy bear. The nurse’s best response should be:
a. Please stop crying. you need to go
b. Lets go and I will should you something nice
c. Lets go and play
d. I know you feel scared. wow, what a pretty teddy bear. Is this your favorite one
33. What should the nurse do initially when obtaining consent for surgery?
a. Describe the risks involved in the surgery
b. Explain that obtaining the signature is routine for any surgery
c. Witness the client’s signature, which the nurse’s signature will document
d. Determine whether the client’s knowledge level is sufficient to give contest
34. Which of the following conditions exist at high altitudes ?
a. Histotoxic hypoxia
b. Hypoxic hypoxia
c. Anemia hypoxia
d. hypocapnia
35. The average amount of sewage flowing in a sewage system in 24 hour is known as
a. Sewage rate
b. Wet weather flow
c. Efferent rate
d. Dry weather flow
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