Alcohol and COVID-19 What You Need to Know
Alcohol and COVID-19 What You Need to Know
Under no circumstances should you drink any type of alcoholic product as a means of preventing or treating COVID-19 infection.
Consumption of alcohol will not protect you from COVID-19
Alcohol Altogether So that you do not udermine your own immune system and health and do not put the health of others at risk.
Do not use Alcohol as a way of Dealing with your Emotions and Stress As isolation and drinking may also increase the risk of sucide. Please call a health hotline if you have sucidal thoughts.
Reach out for Help If you think your drinking or the drinking of someone close to you is out of control
Never mix Alcohol with Medications Even herbal or over the counter remedies, as this could make them less effective, or it might increase thier potency to a level where they become toxic and dangerous
Avoid Alcohol as a Socisl cue for Smoking and vice versa, as smoking is associated with more complicated and dangerous progression of COVID-19
Make sure that Children and young people do not have access to alcohol and do not drink in their presence be a role model. Monitor the screen time of your children, as TV and other media are flooded with alcohol advertising and misinformation that may stimulate early initiation and increased consumption
Discuss with children and young people the effect of alcohol on risk-taking behaviours Including potential violation of COVID-19 related physical distancing measures.
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